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In thinking about the Summer school - ‘Rivers the Jugular veins of Empire’:
The coded language used in the past and now is key. E.g ‘Exploring party’ or ‘Civilising Mission’- this is not correct or transparent, but something else - more sinister, treacherous and obfuscating. Perhaps more accurate would be ‘Murderous pillaging of assets’ and ‘A mission to aggressively encode a people in preparation to enter the financial machine of empire’.
Then the concept of space: Ownership, occupation and outworking.
Can Space be described as occupying 3/ possibly more realms:
1.Physical space
2.Temporal space
3.Conceptual space.
How can/should this space be occupied in light of what we know and what has been learnt from history. (All history)
Other unorganised thoughts:
Space: giving/using space in film - temporal, spatial, conceptual?
Relationship of belonging to/in space.
Again the idea of belonging is one that I find challenging and multifaceted.
Historical ref of Belonging: set against empire and obstacles overcome to this point.
Cultures erased by colonialism in name of ‘civilisation’ were/are subject to an aggressive recoding to financial production.
An aggressive re-coding to financial production.