Unit 2 Assessment///
A lot has happened this past semester - in and out of the studio. I’m finding more ways to think, make and explore. I’m still discovering that everything is research, and that I have a ‘slight’ obsession about Derrida. However because of the researching for the paper my sphere has begun to expand and I realise that there is soO much more to read, watch and see. I feel I have a keener eye for spotting interesting activity.
The research paper has pushed me in a number of uncomfortable directions, but I nedeed the discomfort. It’s given me way more to explore, research and make about than anything I had expected. I now have a growing list of writing, artists and random resources to mine down into.
I feel more grounded in my practice and conceptual enquiries, yet also deeply challenged. It feels like a healthy tension. In the studio - using timed and spontaneous making has generated much more work than previously, where I would have ‘fiddled’ trying to make beautiful. Now I have a multiple pathways to make passage. I am no means where I want to be with m work but I am much further along than I have been. The close research of Ursula Von Rydingsvard has certainly impacted my practice, scrutinising her studio work and practice has been rich and informative, causing me to reflect and at times ‘borrow’ approaches to making and thinking about work.
In addition I have valued having the freedom to make spontaneous work - ‘just because’, finding opportune moments to capture a scene. I’m finding the Blog invaluable for documenting through videos, photo and thoughts that are mid process, that I don’t want to loose. Reading back over the past semesters blogs I have seen patterns and preoccupations emerge. It’s been very encouraging to see consistency of motifs and the development of embryonic notions into specific enquiries, even through to key principals that appear in my research paper.
Below is a set of links to what has been for me a most interesting passage through research, thinking and making.
Current shot of my studio wall, (with messy table below edited out as I still haven’t tidied up)
LO1::: Develop and realise a self-directed programme of learning which draws from wide-ranging subject knowledge. (AC Knowledge, AC Process):::
1. https://www.justinmarkharrison.com/blog/2022/10/15/it-seemed-like-a-good-idea-at-the-time
Enquiry, Knowlwdge, Process: Communication: Experiment in drawing, working out of usual context and materials. Expolring options for taking drawing into a more physical environment whilst remaining sympathetic to my conceptual enquireis of the liminal and the forest.
2. https://www.justinmarkharrison.com/blog/2022/10/10/passage
Enquiry, Knowlwdge, Process, Communication Animation of drawing. Thinking about where drawing can be taken, it’s qualities and purpose tied to the used of media/ materials in conjunction with preoccupations of passage.
3. https://www.justinmarkharrison.com/blog/2022/10/2/materials-matter
Enquiry, Knowlwdge, Process, Communication Materials Matter. How research has influenced my process - recognising the influenced of Bhabha, Rydingsvard and Kapoor. Also thoughts on the significance of materials how and why the influence the art work, how they become a form of language. Critical appraisal of my studio practice.
4. https://www.justinmarkharrison.com/blog/2022/9/22/spectral-interstices
Enquiry, Process, Communication, Realisation: Spectral Interstices. Experimentation and relfection on using film to explore Bhabha’s ‘interstices’ as agents of the liminal.
5. https://www.justinmarkharrison.com/blog/2022/8/10/jointed-paddle
Enquiry, Process, Communication, Realisation Reflections on making, materials, process and research paper. A key point in my work experimentation and realisation. Future possibilities thinking how to develop.
Outcome of experimentation with reflection.
6. https://www.justinmarkharrison.com/blog/2022/3/31/the-colour-of-everything-left-behind
Enquiry: Exploring ideas of what could constitute an artwork.
7. https://www.justinmarkharrison.com/blog/2022/6/18/paper-spectres
Enquiry, Process, Communication, Realisation: Research, experimentation and reflection to my practice and research. Examing my process, research and how it can naturally evolve. Everything is research,
Enquiry, Communication: Using opportunity to make and enquire.
LO2::: Articulate a thorough understanding of your research and establish an informed critical position. (AC Communication):::
1. https://www.justinmarkharrison.com/blog/2022/4/4/khra-and-the-impossible
Enquiry, Knowledge, communication Collating and responding to research in support of theoretical preoccupations that exist in my enquires. Questioning different writers work on Derrida, Deconstruction, areas of significant interest and enquiry into areas that I am wrestling with and ultimately feed into my research paper and practice.
2. https://www.justinmarkharrison.com/blog/2022/3/20/self-digestion
Enquiry, Knowledge, Communication: A re-occurring theme in my enquiries which ultimately appeared in my research paper -an example of connections I noticed in my Blog between deconstruction and creation, generation, the regenerative.
3. https://www.justinmarkharrison.com/blog/2022/6/18/increased-viscosity-of-the-text
Enquiry, Knowledge, Communication: Early research that created foundational ideas for my research paper, finding connections between Rydingsvard and Derrida.
4. https://www.justinmarkharrison.com/blog/2022/7/30/age-and-time
Enquiry, Knowledge, Communication, Realisation: Noticing nuances in Rydingsvard’s work about: time, history of materials - embedding. Meditations on how time has been incorporated into Ursula Von RYndigsvards work. In addition how she relates to her materials and using to reflect to how I work.
5. https://www.justinmarkharrison.com/blog/2022/9/1/4nfhq3ou3i7mwgi1u1288kyjr3rg73
Enquiry, Knowledge, Communication, Realisation: Trying to make sense of all the research I found in working on my research paper. But also seeing elements of the conclusion beginning to coalesce.
6. https://www.justinmarkharrison.com/blog/2022/9/6/same-not-the-same
Enquiry, Communication, Realisation: Reflection on research and purpose/contextualisation. Father Ted. ( Rather more diverse research but still very relevant and actually helpful in modelling the related elements I was finding).
7. https://www.justinmarkharrison.com/blog/2022/9/28/kenosis
Enquiry, Communication, Realisation: Making connections between differing research channels that ultimately have become part of my practice and theoretical frames.
8. https://www.justinmarkharrison.com/blog/2022/10/10/what-do-i-really-think-about-anish-kapoor
Enquiry, Knowledge, Communication: Critical reflection on Anish kapoor having researched his work in parallel to my on thinking and practice.
LO3::: Analyse and critically reflect on your practice and its context.(ACEnquiry):::
1. https://www.justinmarkharrison.com/blog/2022/2/23/t-up-gtgt-t-downltlt
Enquiry, Knowledge, Process, Communication, Realisation: Reflection and realisation after researching and writing my ‘Study statement’ and first Assessment. This becomes the basis of enquiry for critical enquiry of my Research Paper - Creative power of deconstruction/ the liminal.
2. https://www.justinmarkharrison.com/blog/2022/3/6/i-bled-on-it-it-must-be-finished
Process, Communication, Realisation: Relfection on my making, my process and relationship to materials, their essence and how they can be integral to articulating a concept. Also reflecting and analysing the idea of ‘limited making time’ a practice that has now become central to my studio discipline.
3. https://www.justinmarkharrison.com/blog/2022/5/12/making-stuff
Enquiry, Knowledge, Process, Communication, Realisation: Beginning of my thinking about Ursula von Rydingsvard’s work and specifically her ‘Little nothings’ - reflection on the studio practice and conceptual out-workings
4. https://www.justinmarkharrison.com/blog/2022/10/29/studio-22-oct
Enquiry, Process, Communication: Thinking about making, materials and content and how they might be interpreted. Also noticing I wrestle with myself and how to navigate this.
6. https://www.justinmarkharrison.com/blog/2022/11/15/ghosts-partial-presences-spectres
Knowledge, Communication Realisation: Examining related theoretical elements that arose from my research paper. Haunting, direct/indirect history and imagined history through thinking about Ursula von Rydingsvard and Derrida’s work.
7. https://www.justinmarkharrison.com/blog/2022/11/17/post-paper-reflections
Process, Communication, Realisation: Reflection after writing the research paper.