
Derrida by Justin Harrison

"Great works [philosophy/literature/writing] transform the context of their reception and this takes time". Royle Nicholas - Jacques Derrida Routledge P73

What if writing or a work of art could physically change the space/ landscape around us because of the power of the text/ message/ essence of the meaning. Quantum physics - transforming the environment similar to the word? Observed particles behave differently///

Pharmakon poison and remedy, both or sacrifice (Human)//////

"Adrian Mróz, a Polish-American philosopher and musician, analyses its application to art and argues that pharmakon is any physical, mental, or behavioral object[7] which can cut (techne). In other words, pharmaka are agential and responsible for changes in consciousness."

More reading in Pharmakon?///


"Derrida has spoken of what impels his writing as a trembling, a 'shaking' or a 'soliciting'. He has written again and again, but always differently, about 'producing a force of dislocation that spreads itself throughout the entire system', about deconstruction as 'de-sedimantation', about a force of irruption that '[disorganises] the entire inherited order'" Royle Nicholas - Jacques Derrida, Routledge P25

"Even the most apparently simple statement is subject to fission or fissure. This is deconstruction as destabilisation always already on the move within. 'There is no atom', as Derrida remarks what is one of his most succinct and most quietly, subterraneously explosive formulations. Everything is divisible. Unity, coherence, univocality are effects produced out of division and divisibility. This is what gives rise to the elaboration of terms such as differance, iterability, the trace, the supplement"  Royle Nicholas - Jacques Derrida, Routledge P26

"It is about shaking up, dislocating, and transforming the verbal, conceptual, psychological, textual, aesthetic, historical, ethical, social, political, and religious landscape. It's concern is to disturb, to de-sediment, to deconstruct". Royle Nicholas - Jacques Derrida, Routledge P26

  • Print Derrida - A letter to a friend - read and pull threads about Phramakon, deconstruction, atoms, everything is divisible, constituent parts, diagrams. Liminal?

  • Read Liminal - Greg V 

  • Find Artists to research

  • Find Book from Christian Perspective? Scripture?