The Prayers and Tears of Jacques Derrida. Religion without religion. By John D Caputo
After processing my feedback, I’m attempting to refine my plans for the next year. Have realistic making goals// In parallel my research/conceptual enquiry needs refining, my areas of reading and research, I did receive advice not to get too consumed with existential theory. ( Although saying this I did just start another book on Derrida). But in my defence it’s a very different one from the usual analysis, the writing is almost prose at times and has some beautiful phrases. I know I want the technical insight but I don’t want to depart from the creative either, and I find the prose helpful.
The feedback from the assessment was very encouraging, reminding me to continue with the free documentation of thoughts and ideas through mini deadlines and making multiples that can be edited later.
I am also mindful of questions raised about engaging with 'smaller, quieter and less visible changes, especially in the context of Derrida', - rather than the more noticeable motif of death. I agree and in thinking around this - I am reminded of a line form a song - "Who are you great mountain that you should not bow low?" (“Never Lost'' was written by Catherine Mullins & Rita Springer) some how it re-addresses value systems for me. Micro and macro. Mustard seed and tree. The still small voice that can level mountains.
We look for the dramatic- the grand and the impactful yet miss the same impact that can come from the small. It's not just an inversion though...there is a different understanding of dynamics and binary. Is this where 'differance' can come into view if only for half a moment?
There is a warning again about getting trapped in conceptual theories and the perfectionism of making. I see the truth with both these points and need to carefully consider what ideas I am going to pursue and how they are going to be made. Perhaps I need to identify some common threads that appear and which I connected to creatively.
Am tempted to look at:
Quick 10 mins sketches in porcelain and black clay?
Quick fabrications in cardboard.
Drawings made on discarded paper (It stops me getting precious with my drawings)
Multiple drawings.
Slip casting?
Set some hard mini deadlines.