Image my own (Digitally edited). It’s a failed digital photo but I love it, I confess I found it in my photo album, and have no idea how I made it.
If the ghosts of UVR past haunt her work, ghost being actual history imagined history and environmental and inherited history both direct and indirect
Something that has theoretically died, returns as a spectre. Revenant. Not just people but also concepts, values beliefs. Returned but transformed.
Something of the past has returned and is revenant in and through UvRs art. A spectre, a ghost.
Her father, the camps, the wood, the people. More importantly her geographical imagings - simulacra - ghost of a ghost. All manifest around her work.
If the ghosts of UVR past haunt her work, the ghost being Rydingsvards lived history, her inherited history both direct and indirect and her imagined history . Then what of it? What does this mean. What does this mean for the liminal?
The liminal is the naturally occurring 'differance', that brings us the necessary temporary relief from our rightful and wrongful structures, to allow change to enter.
Ghosts are the active but partially agency that differs from the liminal inactive
Wood the Ghosts of trees liminal agents in the in between
Working with the ghosts of materials
Disturbing Ghosts:
Does the liminal disrupt language because of translation? The need for translation. Which creates a change i the angle of vision?
Disruption of language. Hamlets father . Is he called father, ghost or king? As a spectre he is all three and none, for his body is dead and gone he cannot embody the king or father and a ghost is not embodied.