
Negative Passage by Justin Harrison

More animated drawing. This worked well the last one I experimented with and I am keen to see where it might go. First is. a Gif then the second a rendered video - not sure if there is a significant difference.

Still mindful of translation, demonstrating a passage.

Silent poetry.

Looking for my poetic discoveries of the hidden.

The animation lacks a little finesse, I’d like smoother transitions and I think the drawings could be a little more on point. I’m still experimenting with the process of drawing and deciding what feels best. A lot of it seems to be me figuring after I’ve made the drawing. I do like the freedom of just making and not overthinking. I get surprised at times when I like the outcome a day later fo see something of value, yet its also infuriating as its so hard to reproduce the effects I especially like and want to capitalise on. I also made a mistake in the tweeting between frames (In passage) and the timing is out but I like it. I like getting lost in the frames, that it never quiet settles.

Basically I get fussy. When I can’t be.