Imaginary Bundle for Passage / by Justin Harrison

This motif has been recurring, well several motifs have been recurring and I want to pay attention. I sometimes move on too quickly from one idea to the next, when actually I need to pause and contemplate what is occurring. The past two curated blog assessments have been really useful in taking stock of what is happening, seeing common threads and how there is continuity to my work, visually and conceptually.

This drawing isn’t my favourite… today but…that might change. However I do find it informative and encouraging. It’s a development form the ‘Imaginary bundle’ drawings I made last year, taking the more abstracted form of the paddle and thinking about the emptying out and filling. Following the idea fo the Kenotic and the Khora. Exploring the negative and positive spaces in connection to the role of Derrida’s ‘Differance’. The behaviour of the Liminal and passage through.

I want to go bigger is my first response, having finished it. It needs more mass, more presence. To go larger has been a growing feeling for some time and has been affirmed in my last discussion with Jonathan. All the cute little drawings I make in my sketchbook are impotant as they inform and help me to imagine. But the scale is now feeling more and more important. Presence and the tone of voice, seem to require a a different scale.

Things we can fit into our hands are intimate and dominatable, things we can put our arms around are relatabl,e close to human form and equal. Things that are larger than us are beyond us and our control they take on a different gravitas. I guess it’s this gravitas I am looking to engage with.

So I wonder what happens when I go up in scale to A00 or two stories high? How/where would I show this? and would it be worth the effort and resources? I often fall over on these questions and don’t make work because of these restrictions, so maybe I need to work harder to overcome them….