Practice / by Justin Harrison

I'm surrounded by a mess of clamps, stray wood and glue. I'm wondering how I made any work before. I'm challenging myself to another spontaneous fast piece. I'm getting in my own way of making and it's annoying.

I have a creative tantrum and brake stuff.

/// Day 2

I had managed to glue and clamp some stuff yesterday before I lost it, as I continue to work on it I make different choices changing layout and direction, I question the wood where it wants to go what form it needs to take to speak, to articulate of the in-between, at times I purposely plane and smooth off the wood from it’s original texture. You can't see it easliy- but I know. Changing states. The wood came form a couple of boards I found in the street, the wood is coarse and rough with glue residue. I also blacken two slats - I’m constructing some strange object - born for the liminal. On object of negotiation.

I wonder wether to paint some or all of the wood. Normally I recoil from painting the material and hiding its nature, but I'm also considering my instinctual colour palette, black browns amber and occasionally blues. As I look over my blog and instagram account I see a strange consistency.

I'm asking, looking for the poetry of the work

I also have been dreaming about the clay drawings, about camping overnight beside the tree, ritualising the process

Heart spirit Mind soul in alignment. Generatiional imbalance.