The colour of everything left behind today. (Image my own)
Bleeding over, leaking, run over the boundaries.
Density of language
The granular
Exploring the notion deconstruction is actually a constructive/ generative act. Using the granular/granularity to build.
“Transcendental conditions nail things down, pin them in place, inscribe them firmly within rigorously demarcated horizons; quasi-transcendental conditions allow them to slip loose, to twist free from their surrounding horizons, to leak and run off, to exceed or overflow their margins. The problem in a transcendental philosophy is how to establish communicaHon across the borders; the problem in a quasi-transcendental philosophy is how to keep things from running into each other and contaminating everything” Caputo J - Prayers and Tears of Derrida p12-13 (Not very far into this book, but its hard going)
More writing on what I observe, photo and prose.
Language of materials and transformation/change.
Film stills - of micro transformations.
Currently my art work is a bit of a mystery to me. I have scattered assorted materials on my bench. A large belt of leather gluing and some copper pipe. Nothing much is happening with the copper but I wish it would.