Detail from self portrait
I look like shit. I’m seriously behind on sleep. So this seems like a good time to take a self portrait photo for the collaborative project.
I take fairly brutal one straight on, but then I find myself messing with it. I can't help it. We chose the theme 'Awkward' and this can go in many directions, I play with the image till I've almost destroyed it, but then I really like it. It's become something else, it has a Gerhard Richter feel to it and the colours are working for me. I mess with I some more pushing the colours and forms. I like that I don't know where this is going but that the trajectory is interesting, it’s undergoing trnsformation///
/// I send the image and wait to se what I'll get back....
Because I keep on forgetting what I am currently interested in I’m posting now on my blog to try and centralise my resources and focus and who knows it could be useful too.
Decomposition and the science of death.
Derrida - locate a constructive element on the up cycle of deconstruction. Also reading Structure Sign and Play.
Dead horses - find anything and draw/collograph print
Walter Bruggerman - find that book Justin.
South Africa - Finish reading and research further.