Image my own
Notes whilst cycling home...I've found my processing happens at interesting moments and not always the most convenient! I've learnt to record messages to myself to scribe later.
An aperture opens up through/by the interstices, and can connect to any number of possible apertures, the rhyzomic, with no guarantee where it will end. This is the 'Unknown' the 'fluid', the 'frustration' of 'being in passage'.
To pass through requires movement, and this is fundamental, movement must always occur, because to not move is stasis, a 'little death' and that is the structure, the structure does not move, it cannot take passage through the Liminal, for it is an aberration.
The structure has an 'illusion' of movement because it has a centre (((Derrida Structure sign play)))and everything (((WHAT? All that is termed/defined by the binary of the structures definition))) is tethered to the centre, and it can only circumscribe a circle of a given diameter, territory. A false moment, an ersatz movement, a 'performative'.
Where as once displacement has occurred for an agent, then there is a' line of flight' as Deleuze describes in Minor Literatures. This displacement can come through two sources, either structural violence where somebody is ejected - removed form the structure for failing to fullfill binary demands, or violence to the structure where somebody rejects the structure and remove themselves. Rejection and Ejection - this trajectory requires 'movement' through new boundaries new borders new apertures, new interstices.
Other thoughts
The trouble with the Binary is that it is a 2 dimensional in it's approach. It lacks holistic thinking and fails to acknowledge the differance, the movement, the third dimension, or third space as Homi Bhabha describes.
AK makes work that sets up perameters that manifest the void. It messes with the binary logic, rational. Making the untenable - the untouchable
UVR makes work that stands in defiance of ejection the weigh and size, the oversized. Defiance of authority. (Often self elected authority)